Silaé™ Data Feeds

Silaé™ Data Feeds

Each Silaé™ device stores the production data it collects in Silaé™ cloud database. One of the paramount Silaé™ design goals is to always make the underlying data easily accessible and immediately available to you and your team. Silaé™ cloud data supports this by providing many ways for you to access your data.


Silaé™ includes a sophisticated reporting engine, which runs as data feeds, and can support over 50 types of reports. The feeds plug into your own report formats allowing you to configure with your custom views and controls for exploring your data.


It is easy to power dashboards using your favorite tool by connecting with Silaé™ data feeds. Companies customize their dashboards using elements (chart, table, chronogram, KPI, and KPI group) to organize information in whatever way is most helpful to their team.

Spreadsheet Templates 

Silae Connected Sheets allow you to create your own spreadsheet export file templates. Each export template includes the metrics and dimensions that you select organized as tabular data – ready to export as a Google Sheet or export in Excel file.

Silaé™ API 

Use our REST API to programmatically access configuration information from Silaé™ Platform. 

Silaé™ Data Model

Silaé™ organizes production data as metrics and dimensions.


Metrics are numeric values that measure a quantitative characteristic of production, such as Good Count, OEE, or Labor Efficiency. Silaé™ includes 100+ metrics under various categories, as listed in the appendix.


Dimensions are descriptive values that refer to a qualitative attribute of production, such as the Shift, Asset, or Order. Silaé™ organizes dimensions under various categories, as listed in the appendix.

For a complete list of metrics and dimensions along with descriptions refer to Appendix A and B.

Powers Apps, MIS Reports and Dashboards

Silaé™ data feeds can power 50+ types of MIS reports. Examples of different types of reports that can be created are provided in the Appendix.